Monday, 30 October 2017

8 Steps to Encourage Guides to Wear Their Uniforms

Why should you bother? What does it matter? From Girl Guides of Canada’s website in the parent FAQs we read, “Guiding is a uniformed organization that provides a variety of uniform options. Uniforms identify girls and women as members of our organization and all that it stands for. Uniforms give a sense of pride and belonging and act as an equalizer.”

In the words of Baden-Powell at the 1937 World Jamboree, "it covers the differences of country and race and make all feel that they are members one with another of one World Brotherhood" (or in our case, Sisterhood). He also said, “Smartness in uniform and correctness in detail may seem a small matter, but has its value in the development of self-respect and means an immense deal to the reputation of the Movement among outsiders who judge by what they see.”

There are many ways to encourage correct uniform. Here is a tactic I have found to be successful in encouraging my Guides to wear their uniforms with pride, and to encourage their sister Guides to do the same:

      1)      Invent a “trophy” – this could be an actual trophy from the thrift shop, re-purposed. Or a walking stick, decorated with carvings, braided cords, feathers, what-have-you. Or a stuffed animal dressed in uniform. Or a pennant, decorated with “Top Notch Patrol” or something similar. What it is isn’t the important part. Imbuing it with prestige and pride of ownership is what matters.
      2)      Make a list of items to be inspected for, with the goal of winning the honour of weekly possession of the Trophy. Possible items may include but not be limited to: hair tied back, uniform shirt, tie (tied correctly), clean fingernails, badge sash, badges in correct places (sewed/ironed on, up to date), pins in correct places, uniform pants (or at least appropriate solid dark coloured pants), indoor shoes, program book, dues, be prepared pocket contents…
      3)      Start hyping the competition aspect between patrols. Talk up the bragging rights of winning the weekly trophy. Consider making a journal or chart that visually tracks who won on what week, how many times, etc.
      4)      Place all the “inspection points” on paper slips to be kept in a box or jar that will be at the meeting each week.
      5)      Each week have one Patrol leader pull a slip from the box and inspect all Patrols on the item chosen. Make it more “official” by providing a clip board and check list. If necessary, remind PLs to be fair – next week it will be someone else inspecting her patrol!
      6)      Take any opportunity to take photos of well-dressed patrols and display them. Take them out in public, and comment how sharp they look all in correct uniform. Pass along any compliments others may offer on their uniform appearance.
      7)      Up the ante – any Patrol who wins the trophy three times in a row gets a ____.  (fill in the blank with something desirable that your unit budget can afford – a yummy snack, a special crest, a bag of candy, a pizza supper before the meeting one week, whatever you can dream up.)
      8)      At the end of the year give some sort of prize to the patrol with the most points overall.

And of course, the Guiders should lead by example, and wear proper uniform too.

In Guiding, our uniform promotes equality while showing individual achievement by the display of badges and pins. It provides a recognizable identity in both the unit and the community. With that in mind, I believe that encouraging proper uniform and patrol spirit can only have positive results on the girls and on the unit as a whole! What do you think? I look forward to reading your comments!

Till next time....
North Owl

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