Friday, 16 March 2018

Patrol Leader - More Than Just a Title

B-P wrote in ‘Scouting for Boys’: “The main object of the Patrol System is to give real responsibility to as many boys as possible. It leads each boy to see that he has some individual responsibility for the good of his Patrol. It leads each Patrol to see that it has definite responsibility for the good of the Troop. Through the Patrol System the Scouts learn that they have considerable say in what the Troop does.”

I just posted the following on the “Guiders of Canada Unofficial “ Facebook page:
“Patrol system: I was a unit Guider for a couple of decades, then took some time away from units, being just a Trefoil Guild member. I have been back as a unit Guider for a few years now, and have mostly adjusted to the changes that have happened in the intervening years. But some things are still unclear to me.... Does anyone still use the Patrol System? I don't mean do you have Patrols, I mean, do you give your PLs responsibility to communicate with their members outside of the meeting, do you engage PLs and Seconds to teach Promise and Law to their new members, do you spend time with just PLs to help them learn and hone leadership skills? I haven't seen nor heard evidence of this around me, so wanted to ask a wider audience........”
The responses were very interesting to me, varying from “No but we should”, to “I’d like to learn more about it”, to “yes we did this with great success”. The job description for being a Patrol Leader (or a Circle Leader in Brownies) is very nebulous, it seems. Most PLs seem to collect the dues in their patrol, and walk in the front of the line when going into Horseshoe or Brownie Ring. Some collect materials or pass on instructions for an activity to their Patrol or circle, but that is it. Someone commented, rightly, that giving the PLs responsibility encourages and teaches them better leadership skills to take forward to the decision-making of Pathfinders, Rangers, and on into their adult lives. The comments I saw, and what I have been able to observe around me has inspired me to offer a picture of my past experience and methods for engaging and encouraging active, enthused and involved Patrol and Circle Leaders (and Seconds!).

When I was a Girl Guide, getting to be the Patrol Leader was a very big and somewhat prestigious deal. I loved my PL, and was a little in awe of her, too. Whether they were elected or appointed (that is a whole other discussion!), there was a little ceremony to install them officially and give them their stripes. PLs were held to a higher standard. They were role models to look up to, and were respected as leaders. They were given responsibility to not only take attendance of their Patrol and to record dues, but to help teach the new (Tenderfoot) Guides what they needed to know before enrollment, to help and encourage their Patrol to be prepared for Inspection (that’s a topic for another time!), to collect the Patrol’s opinions and ideas for group decisions or for upcoming projects or events, and to speak for the Patrol, reporting those opinions and ideas to the entire Unit later. Girls who were going to be absent from a meeting telephoned the PL to inform her. If there was important information or a reminder to be given before a meeting, the Guiders called the PLs, and the PLs called their members, relaying things like, “we are going outside this week – bring warm outerwear” or “don’t forget to bring your permission slip for our hike – this week is the deadline”. Every girl had phone numbers for their own Patrol, just so they COULD contact each other. Did Guiders still talk to parents? Yes, about things that needed parental input or permission, etc., but not for those reminders etc. – those became the girls’ responsibilities.

In my Unit, we tried to have a sleepover/Patrol Leader & Second training early in the year. We would
explore things like dealing with conflict in the Patrol, how to be courteous and tactful with Patrol members, what the responsibilities of the PL were, how she could involve the Second, and what the Second should know how to do if the PL had to be absent. We played team-building games, and gave the PLs resources to do similar things with their Patrols. We helped them put together Patrol Kits for their Corner, filled with the things they might need at Patrol Time – scissors, tape, glue, pencils, markers, paper, etc., but also knotting cord, knot cards, Promise and Law cards, and other resource materials. Songbooks too, were in the box, and were the responsibility of the Patrol to look after and return. Patrol Leaders and Seconds returned to Unit meetings after this sleepover with a clear understanding of their roles, responsibilities, and privileges. They knew that being a PL or Second was an honour, not a right, and that not showing up or not trying their best to fulfill their responsibilities might mean they would be asked to step down and someone else would take the job.

We held a Patrol Leader “Court of Honour” every six weeks or so. That is another term I never see or hear any more, but was a traditional council meeting for PLs and Guiders and sometimes Seconds. It was agreed upon that “what’s said at CoH stays at CoH”, so that PLs could ask for help with problems or concerns regarding their members, knowing it would be treated confidentially and not gossiped about. They brought ideas and concerns from their Patrols, and helped decide what activities or events to discuss with their Patrols to get the whole Unit’s input. The Court of Honour also allowed the Guiders the opportunity to speak to any issues they had noticed, or to offer more leadership training. Usually one or two Guiders met with the PLs while other Guiders were busy with the rest of the Unit.

While Guiding’s early years saw Patrol Leaders being 14 or 15 years old, the age for Girl Guides dropped when Pathfinders were inserted in the structure of Canadian Guiding in 1979. That meant that PLs were now around 11 years old, instead of 15. It was a big shift, but the system held true and the girls learned and carried out their roles with great success. Even Brownie Sixers (or Circle Leaders as they were later called) could understand and take on some responsibility, thus preparing them for the greater responsibilities of being a Girl Guide. Their Guide experience in the Patrol System prepared them for the still greater decision-making responsibilities of being a Pathfinder, and so on. I did not find age to be a barrier.

There is, of course, a lot more to this topic, and I would be happy to chat about it all day. In my stacks of Guiding resources I have a GGC booklet, long outdated, but still containing pertinent points, entitled “Training the Patrol Leader” and I did garner a lot of ideas from that in the activities I offered in my Unit. In my opinion, the Patrol System works, but only if we work it. With the new “Girls First” program looming on the horizon, with its promise of girl-driven, girl-led programming, the Patrol System seems like an ideal vehicle to take our Units, regardless of age level, on a successful
trip through the possibilities of all that Guiding has to offer.

Your comments are welcome!

I'm having difficulties placing photos in this post but will put a few at the bottom. Till next time...

North Owl

Saturday, 3 March 2018

Dolly & Me Photos

I thought I would ad a few other photos of our Dolly & Me sleepover...

Here is one of the finished frames. The girls painted them in the evening and left them to dry overnight. They used peel and stick fun foam shapes that had been languishing in our craft cupboard to decorate them before they went home. We took pictures of the girls looking through the frames, just for fun, and "Daisy" did the honours for a few girls who had to leave early.

Girls were so excited about their "tents/playhouses" and enthusiastically decorated them. We were short of time, but I think most would happily have spent and hour or more just decorating and then playing in them. This was a super popular idea with all of them! In retrospect, we would have given them scotch tape as well as glue, maybe some bingo daubers, wallpaper samples or scraps, and of course, more time. Isn't that always what we run shortest of??
At the end of the sleepover we stacked the houses and gear in and around the entry way, and after Closing, the girls played in them till the parents arrived.

Skit time... it might have worked better if the table "stage" was rectangular instead of round, as girls would then not have been as likely to turn backs to the audience. Nevertheless, the skits were enjoyable, educational, and authentic!  The skit themes can be found here.

I hope you have enjoyed peeking in at our Dolly Camp-in. Please comment with your own ideas and suggestions....

Till next time,

North Owl

Dolly & Me -- a successful sleepover template

We just had a very successful Spark and Brownie sleepover, with a “Dolly & Me” theme. The girls were encouraged to bring an 18” doll friend along to participate in this “camp-in”. I thought you might enjoy seeing our plans – and then maybe adapting them to make them your own, for your unit to enjoy! I am not including pictures, as Blogger doesn't seem to like my using so much space! ;-) But you can find pictures of my inspirations in the links.

Note that we were fortunate enough to have a large, modern single level church at our disposal, with several small class rooms, a spacious board room, a large open foyer, and a sanctuary/fellowship hall with moveable chairs, as well as a full kitchen.

We realized that this was not the most economical nor environmentally friendly event we have ever done (like using disposable dishes and cutlery) but we had a lot accumulated from past events and decided to use it up and free up our time to do activities with the girls.  We Guiders had some scheduling difficulties (life gets in the  way sometimes!), so juggled and maintained our ratio at all times, but had some Guiders coming and going, so streamlining things like meal time was important to us.

As with all plans, while we had time slots for each activity, these were fluid and were adjusted as needed at the time. For example we ran out of time to decorate frames once they were painted, and didn’t have campfire as planned. Instead we decorated the frames after our skits the next morning, as there was ample time then – sat around the electric campfire and sang a few songs then too. But all in all, we started on time, went to bed on time, and ended on time, and didn’t omit anything in the end, so considered the scheduling to be a success!

The girls seemed to enjoy the activities immensely, and were able to articulate what they had learned about camping too. The skits proved entertaining and were a good gauge of what the girls had retained from information given. I would definitely resurrect this theme again in a couple of years!

Here is the plan we used:
Brownie/Spark Sleepover                           Date

Dolly Camp-In
Guiders arrive

Girls arrive – stow gear along wall. If air matts have to be blown up, ask parents to do so and leave leaning on wall.

Opening and Welcome, rules and reminders

Opening Activity – Name Tag Craft – make nametag for self and for doll. Put Girl’s name on back of Doll nametag.  FOYER

Grace & Supper – alphaghetti, mini meatballs, appetizer size “pigs in a blanket”, mini carrots, mini cuke sticks, grape tomatoes, ice cream in dixie cups with mini spoons. FOYER

Round Robin Activity #1 – Decorate wooden picture frames and have “Dolly & Me” photo taken - collect the frames – get the photos developed and put into the frames and give to girls at the next meeting.  BROWNIE ROOM

Round Robin Activity #2 - Make doll  sleeping bags- fringed fleece tied together SPARK ROOM

Round Robin Activity #3  – Check out Daisy’s Camping Kit – is she bringing the right things?? What is she missing? What should she leave behind? A/V ROOM

Game – hide & seek (Guiders hide dolls in board room, girls seek in dark with flashlights) AND Norwegian Number Game – girls go to hide & seek in small groups, while rest continue with the singing game.  BOARD ROOM & FOYER

Set up and decorate cardboard box “tents” ---- and a bit of play time in them. Set up beds.  SANCTUARY (Guides will go to Board Room)

Campfire (with electric fire)  BOARDROOM

Mug Up – “Vanilla Lattes” -  warm milk with cinnamon and vanilla, Nilla wafers.  FOYER

Teeth brushing and into bed  SANCTUARY

Story time – a camping story SANCTUARY

Lights Out

Guiders up

Girls– dress, pack up, etc.

Grace – Breakfast – cleanup (mini apple strudels cut in half, mini yogurts, grapes, mini cheese cubes, mini “donuts” {cheerios}, Twizzler straws with strawberry milk, apple and orange juice also availaible) Breakfast cleanup – everyone clean their own mess (mostly paper plates/napkins, right) Wipe tables, etc. FOYER

Split into small groups – each group plan a skit for their dolls to perform, about some aspect of camping life (give pre planned scenarios) BACK ROOMS AS FOR ROUND ROBIN

Show time – dolls perform skits  BOARD ROOM

Closing – Group Photo -- then finish packing and cleaning – girls help! FOYER

Girls picked up  FOYER

Leaders go home

Use disposable plates, napkins. Have participants bring own water bottle and juice/coffee cup.

The girls will make sleeping bags for their dolls. Cut out fleece in 24 by 30, fold in half to be 15 by 24, then put 3 or 4 inch slits on the open side and bottom. The girls tie the fringes together. This is easy, and even the Sparks will mostly be able to complete it independently.
Inexpensive blankets were purchased from Dollarama  in bright colours. Each blanket made 4 sleeping bags.

This is a collapsible playhouse that would make a good “tent” for each Brownie or Spark to decorate for her own. They fold flat for storage, and with lead time we have, we can start collecting boxes and making them well in advance.  Won’t they have fun?? We can even choose to cut side windows in them if we wish…. Then we send them home with the girls…
As we could not find 15 same sized, clean boxes in time to do this on the cheap, we purchased 15 new moving boxes from U-Haul. The design of them was not the same as in the photos, so we made them a little differently, but the result was basically the same, except they didn’t fold flat. The girls decorated with streamers, stickers, old gift wrap, waxed crayon, and magazine pictures. We can tell you it took a lot of duct tape, and that the name brand stuff was far superior to the dollar store variety!
To add to the fun, we could provide bandannas and duct tape and make Doll Seats at the tables beside the girls, so their dolls have a place to sit at meal time??  We would fold the bandanna into a triangle, tape the two ends to the top of the table, and the middle point to the bottom of the table. Doll’s legs go around that middle point part so she doesn’t slip out.
Because we were concerned about duct tape leaving sticky residue on the tables, it was decided to set up a small dolly table and use small chairs, with bandana seat belts. We will have small dishes for them, and fake (paper?) food. In the end the result was very favourable and probably much better than having the dolls actually at the girls’ tables!
Picture frames – could use wood shapes to glue on, could paint them, could use (if we feel brave) a wood burner to put in designs …..
Note, limit the colour choices – I have seen too many “mud” coloured results!
We purchased them Walmart, sized to fit a 4x6” photo. Frames were embellished using craft supplies from our storage cupboard. The completed frames were left in our storage cupboard. Photos of each girl and doll were taken at the sleepover, then printed, put in the frame and handed out at next regular meeting.

Daisy’s Camp Gear station:
I brought my Our Generation Doll with appropriate and inappropriate gear and clothing and lead a discussion with each group about what Daisy should bring or not bring and why.  We really wanted  this sleepover to be the start of good camping habits. This allowed for the girls to get a good visual representation of the benefits of a “bucket hat” vs a ball cap, pyjamas vs a nightgown or “onesie”, etc. They really “got it”! We also used a piece of foam and an airfilled ziplock bag to illustrate the warmth factor of one versus the other. (Touch the cool table, feel the foam; touch the cool table, feel the “air mattress” – foam felt much warmer to the touch.) This led to many good discussions.

I hope you find this information useful - please feel free to add your own thoughts anfd inspiration in the comments! 

Till next time....

North Owl